2021 Keynote: Leading with Heart: Introduction

2021 Keynote: Leading with Heart: Introduction

I’m going to tell you about two types of leaders.  Ego based: What’s best for me? What’s going to make me look good? What can others do for me? It’s all about them. They lead selfishly, and with their own interests in mind.  Heart-based: What’s...
2021 Keynote: Leading with Heart: Purpose

2021 Keynote: Leading with Heart: Purpose

“Ethics and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.” – John F. Kennedy Research shows that putting an emphasis on purpose rather than profits has real benefits. It generates business confidence, drives investment and creates long-term success....
TrustLab and CoCreation Alliance

TrustLab and CoCreation Alliance

Discussion on TrustLab and CoCreation Alliance Initiatives and what they mean for and their mission. Trust is key in any relationship. Especially, in the relationship leaders foster with their staff and employees. In truth, a trust built relationship offers you many...
Leading with Heart: Humility

Leading with Heart: Humility

This is the transcript from a recent interview with Dr. Kaplan, in a recent interview about the Leading with Heart tenet, Humility. Interviewer: I know one of your tenants, and leading with heart is humility. So, talk to me about that. What does that mean for a leader...


What is Coaching? Much of executive coaching is about identifying different perspectives to a problem or situation that then helps the coachee get unstuck. When we were very young, we realized that each problem has an infinite amount of solutions...
Leading with Heart: Understanding

Leading with Heart: Understanding

Why do leaders need to understand people’s needs? ~ Leaders who lack understanding, lose clarity Why is it important for leaders is to understand? Why should leaders understand what the employees are going through with the projects and tasks their managers are asking...
Leading with Heart: Empathy

Leading with Heart: Empathy

Dr. Kaplan, in a recent interview, was asked the following question? Can you truly place yourself in a position of feeling and caring about other people you supervise or your peers? What does empathy look like when you are a Leader? Can you learn to be empathetic? For...
Leading with Heart: Purpose

Leading with Heart: Purpose

So many leaders lead but leading with heart means something different to you?  What does Leading with Heart mean to you? Leading with Heart is not intricate, but to understand how one operates by and through one’s own heart, you must understand the five tenets of my...
Developing Others is Like Parenting

Developing Others is Like Parenting

Contrary to popular belief, the goal of a parent is not to raise children.   The purpose of a parent is to raise happy, independent, productive adults.  What gets in the way?  “Overparenting”. That is, the parent gets caught...

Dr. Jeff Kaplan Featured – Noomii.com

Key Take Aways: Most common challenges clients experience when seeking coaching: Confidence issues & Get the job done no matter the cost.Getting stuff done with and through people, not in spite of people. Healthy balance.Co-creating the process: align...

Meet’s the leader wherever he/she is at then takes him/her to the next level identifying and leveraging strengths and targeting specific gaps.  Coaching occurs at two levels simultaneously – using real-life situations, coaching helps to provide new perspective and identify solutions while building leadership competencies that can be used for other situations .  (needs a good editor)